Dr. Dave's Diet Facts
By placing more emphasis on healthy eating, most people will naturally come to realize that a healthy lifestyle is based primarily on diet and exercise. When you understand Dr. Dave’s diet facts, you are equipped to learn how to implement a healthy diet and exercise regime into your daily life, enabling you to lose weight fast, plus reduce unnecessary inflammation and stress. Now, get ready to experience optimal health and vitality for yourself!
7% of the carbohydrates and 12% of the proteins that we consume are used up in the digestion/assimilation process. Most people don’t realize that it takes a certain amount of energy to digest and assimilate food. When we eat, our body must work harder to digest the food, therefore nutrient dense foods are required to supply energy and rebuild cells.
3,500 calories when consumed and unused (not burned for fuel) will put on 1 pound of body fat. Just 100 extra, unburned calories per day equals a 10.5 pound weight gain over the course of one year. This additional body fat is often much harder to lose than it was to gain.
Salt sensitive individuals can retain 1 liter of water for every additional teaspoon of salt consumed. One liter of water equals 2 pounds of body weight. This fluid retention is commonly called edema and results in abnormal swelling of the soft tissues, often affecting the extremities (ankles, feet, hands etc.).
Women can gain as much as 2 to 3 pounds (even more in some cases) during menses. A high protein diet has a diuretic effect and helps to get rid of unwanted water weight. The body responds to the extra protein intake by pulling water from its tissues and eliminating it, which may temporarily result in frequent urination.
Eat slowly, “mindfully” and savor your food. Not only will you enjoy it more, you will digest it better and probably eat less as a result. It takes about 20 minutes for the brain to register the feeling of satiety, regardless of how much you eat. So by eating slowly you will start to feel the sensation of fullness at an appropriate time (way before you overeat).
Rotate food selection to avoid boredom. A variety of colors, textures and flavors prevents a feeling of “ho-hum”. A variety of healthy foods plays an important role in achieving proper nutrition. For example, the health benefits of various fruits and vegetables are largely related to their color.
Using herbs and spices liberally will create new flavor combinations. The flavors of many foods can be enhanced without the use of calorie-laden sauces and gravies. Experiment; try combining small amounts of several seasonings to find the right blend.
Increase fiber intake when eating higher amounts of protein. Add foods high in fiber to your meals or use a fiber supplement such as psyllium seed husks to keep your bowels regular.
Walk, take the stairs and stand as much as possible. All physical efforts – even standing will burn some calories. When you spend the better part of your day sitting, whether in your car, your office chair or on your couch at home, you are increasing your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, a variety of cancers and even an early death.
Make sure you do resistance or weight training exercises at least three days per week. By working the large, highly metabolic, calorie burning muscle groups (chest, back, legs) 3 times per week you speed up your metabolism. Our lean muscle mass generally will decrease from 3% – 5% per year after the age of 25 if we do not get enough exercise.
Walk, jog, bike, swim or hike for cardio exercise at least 5 days per week. A good goal to aim for is an increased heart rate where you’re just starting to break a sweat, and then maintain that for 20 – 30 minutes.