Did you know that February is National Heart Month?
Inflammation is at the cornerstone of cardiovascular disease, as well as neurodegenerative diseases, endocrine disorders, pain, arthritis and accelerated aging to name just a few.
Heart disease is the NUMBER ONE cause of death in the U.S, according to Medical News Today.
At Oasis Integrative Medicine, we are constantly researching and finding new ways to add cutting-edge testing and treatments to help our patients achieve vital health.
What if a simple finger prick could add YEARS to your LIFE?
OMEGA OPTIMIZER™ is a combination of blood work and our new BrainSpan™ testing - a finger prick blood analysis assessing your:
Metabolic function
Immune function
Gastrointestional wellness
Hormonal health
Injury potential
Weight management
Skin & hair health
Sports performance capacity
Concussion resilience
Cellular toxicity
Don't you deserve to live a longer life?
As part of our mission to provide you with affordable options in cutting-edge testing, treatments and nutraceuticals, we are offering the new BrainSpan analysis for only $200, (normally $250), in recognition of National Heart Month.
When booking your test, please use PROMO code: HEART2019.
This test is available for non-patients for a LIMITED TIME ONLY!
To book your test and for more information, please call Debbie Doscinski at 631-821-4200 or email us at info@oasismedicine.com
Wishing you VITAL health and happiness...
~Dr. Dave, Venus and the Oasis Team
#brainwellness #inflammation #omegas #fattyacids #howtolivelonger #antiaging #weightloss #findinyourtruevitality #iamdoingit #drdave
© 2019 Dr. Dave's Food & Wellness, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This blog is for informational purposes only. It is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a licensed, qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.